1A Fin Inform

Inform: Just So You Know

We live in the information age. Use your platform to educate people.

Inform is one of the seven intentions you can keep in mind when sharing content to your followers on social media. Use these blogs to sharpen up your content, break your writers block or find a new angle to approach your followers. Find the other six intentions on our blog menu.

As an established business you know stuff. Share that stuff with those who follow you.

Inform posts are (obviously) posts that inform your followers. They are a service you can offer for free to add value to your follower’s experience online, educate, and to display your own knowledge of the industry. Information is great content to share as it legitimises your business, doesnt require any creativity to write and can be displayed in a multitude of ways.

Try using a combination of text, graphs and images to engage with your audience and present the information in a compelling manner. Infographics are great for cross platform posting and for delivering info in an impactful and memorable way. Keep track of what format works best for your people.

Information can be short and snappy lists of tips and tricks, statistics, how to videos, answers to FAQs or long pieces of text. The content itself can be self created, outsourced, reposted and referenced or can come from industry articles, studies or reports. It can come from your staff training, experience or career observations. Try using informative posts as a way to build inter-business relationships with other companies you work for or with. Team up and each write something for the other to post. This is a good way to diversify your own posts, promote your company to a new and relevant audience and support other local businesses.

Using information as a way of promoting your product or service can also be a highly useful tool. For example, if you were a builder, perhaps sharing information regarding the changes to Healthy Homes requirements would encourage landlords to give you a call when it comes time to renovate.

People like to do research before they choose a particular product or service and showing that you are well-informed, well-connected and happy to share your wisdom are just a few ways you can encourage clients to choose you.


This Tweet from Google is a clear example of an inform post. There is a clever addition of product placement but the primary content of the copy is to intrigue and educate the reader. Its a captivating topic followed by a clear call to action for those who would like to learn more.


This Inform ad combines attractive, alternative. natural imagery with messaging and information about online marketing. Not only is this eye-catching and will stand out both from the customers feed and their competitors ads but it also offers a nice idea of the brand and how they like to operate. This ad is educating about the problem and then advertising the solution.

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